Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Thought for the Month:

Catholic Journal Preaches Degrading Servitude

The winter issue of the Australian Catholic quarterly "Twentieth Century" contains two articles on automation, both of which preach gross materialism. If machines are going to do the work at present performed by men, how will men obtain money to buy the goods necessary for a living? The answer supplied by the "Twentieth Century" writers is gravely wrong. They say very clearly that the matter will be overcome by CREATING MORE JOBS. The two writers are F. J. Corley, S.J., an American, and W. J. Byrt, "an Australian sociologist". Both are concerned with maintaining the present materialist system, which, by its very nature, grows and grows, irrespective of whether the growth is serving man. Both writers sacrifice man to the economic system, they deny the basic Christian principle that the economic system should serve man. They do not seem to see that it is gravely wrong for the economic system to be made an end in itself. W. J. Byrt's statements need no comment; they could well have been written by Comrade Krushchev:

"The main difficulty as regards employment which is likely to be caused by the rapid adoption of automation is that of transferring labour from one industry to another. Problems of re-training are involved and, if large-scale transfers were to take place, it would seem that national training schemes are desirable. In addition, most of us tend to be conservative and to resist attempts to make us change our occupations. Transfers of labour should, then, be planned on a national scale and with the co-operation of the trade unions . . . Unless any large-scale transfers and retraining are adequately planned in collaboration with the trade unions, and unless those likely to be affected are kept adequately informed of developments, the resultant uncertainty is likely to result in irrational antagonism..."

Father Corley, in his article, quotes (with approval) the following un-Christian nonsense by American trade union leader, Gearge Meany: "... The simple fact remains that to stay healthy the national economy must keep growing. It must provide millions of additional jobs each year as our population expands. It must do this even during a period when the introduction of automatic labour-saving machinery tends, at least temporarily, to cut down the number of employment opportunities normally available ..." God's abundance means nothing, apparently. The important thing is work, even if it means creating unnecessary work. Under this system, approved by the two writers in "Twentieth Century", man has no right to live unless he serves to expand the economy.


An excellent letter by the Rev. John Graf, of Rushworth, Victoria, appeared in the Melbourne Age of November 16.
Mr. Graf, replying to Bishop Sambell, who said it would be scandalous to pay a pension to somebody with an income £2000 a year, pointed out that on All Saints Day the Church recognised that the labours of those who have gone before have made it possible to enjoy the spiritual, cultural and material blessings that are ours today.
Mr. Graf went on to say that we should also recognise those who have reached a generally agreed age and are retired from their former active participation in our society. He also said that why the Bishop should think it "scandalous" to pay a pension to someone whom God has entrusted in his old age with so much wealth in whatever form that his income is above average, was hard to see on theological grounds and that it was up to the recipient to refuse his pension or donate it to charity.
It is refreshing to find a clergyman stressing a principle, which leads to increasing individual freedom, a principle that has suffered greatly through the idea that increasing individual freedom from the inheritance principle must be controlled.

Debt Produces Slavery

The New Times May 31, 1957.
The "dark" continent of Africa can teach one thing at least, to the great land of Progress and the Dollar. That something is contained in the African proverb: Debt produces Slavery.

By contrast to this fundamental wisdom, the United States produces such geniuses as can build two million dollar atomic-powered submarines and never lose a moment's sleep as to who and whose great-grand-children will pay off the incurred debt. We will fly to the moon in a matter of a few years, our scientists tells us, but they don't tell us that the result of such suicidal spending will necessitate planet Earth being a world of debt-slaves footing the bill.
Isn't it truly a phenomenon of striking proportions that in this rapidly churning time of great scientific and material progress man must still work the same number of hours at his machines that he did before he had them? One begins to ask what the purpose of his machines are; certainly not to free him of drudgery, so that he could perhaps read a few books, but perhaps only to raise his cost of living. His employment, it must certainly be admitted, is an end in itself, and not the reason, which induces him to enter into employment, i.e., his need for goods; if this were not so then why isn't he allowed to enjoy the fruit of his labor, instead of being kept artificially in debt?
Or as Douglas puts it: "This idea of thrift, like that of economy, is an example of the perversion of an idea which has lost its original application . . . The fact that there is no physical limitation to the satisfaction of reasonable material requirements -that is, in fact, there is no such thing in the modern world as a poor country in any sense other than that of a scarcity of tickets to function satisfactorily as purchasing-power-only serves to transfer this exhortation to the thrifty, from goods, of which there is a surfeit, to money, of which there is a scarcity. The situation is similar to that of a man provided with every form of food and with coal, wood and matches with which to cook it, but who is accustomed to cook his food upon a paraffin stove, and is informed that there is only a pint of paraffin left, and that in consequence the most rigid economy of food must now and in the future be enforced. And the extraordinary part of it is that the world in general as represented by the man, seems unwilling to try the effect of wood, coal, or any other fuel than the metaphorical paraffin; or even, if forced, to eat his food uncooked. It is hardly necessary to stress the attractions of this situation to the paraffin merchants.
"Taking the situation as it is, and assuming an increasing capacity to produce and deliver goods per unit of time as the consequence of scientific progress, it is not difficult to see where obedience to this parrot cry of economy must lead us. If it does, in fact, reduce or even stabilize our consumption of the goods produced, and the hours of work and the number of commercial workers remains the same, then, not only is unemployment stabilized, but either a greater proportion of the production of these workers must year by year be exported or in some way or other more and more organisations must be built up and the problem complicated at compound interest. Since, under these conditions, every country would be an exporting country, and the exporting of goods to other planets is not at present practicable, it is not difficult to forsee that complications may arise,"(i.e., WAR. It seems there has really never been any other kind of a large war, than a trade war.) "When in addition we see the purchasing-power of 'savings' constantly filched by excessive prices and predatory taxation, the adjuration to 'save more' seems to underrate even meanest intelligence."

Or as the debt-manipulation scheme has been put by others: place the hungry population on one side of a field, place their produce on the other side of the field, then place a bank with vaults full of gold bricks, upon which is based the money-tickets that are issued by the bankers in the centre of the field. It is needless to say that the population must produce precisely the amount of goods as will be exactly commensurate with the amount of gold in the bank vault, no more or less, in order to have a stabilized economy, provided that any increase in population is exported to the moon. It will further be seen what will happen if the bankers, acting perhaps on whim, as in 1929, decide not to issue money for an indeterminate length of time: the goods will rot and the people will starve until the bankers can decide how much they want to increase the interest on their money.

And why is it so difficult to suggest that the above stranglehold could simply be removed by basing the money NOT on something inorganically not related to production and hoardable like gold, but on DEMAND (KREIA, as Aristotle said) for goods?

Congress shall have power to coin money, regulate the value thereof:
In Thomas Jefferson's letter to Crawford, 1816, . . . and if the national bills issued, be bottomed (as is indispensable) on pledges of specific taxes for their redemption within certain and moderate epochs, and be of proper denomination for circulation, no interest on them would be necessary or just, because they would answer to every one of the purposes of the metallic money withdrawn and replaced by them", we find the germ of Gesellite stamp-scrip which in no way would run counter to the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, in which Congress shall have power to coin money, regulate the value thereof".
A recent example of the Gesellite stamp-scrip was given thusly: "when the legislature so deems useful to the public good, to issue paper money subject to continuous redemption by means of an adhesive stamp of suitable size and strong enough gum, to be affixed monthly on the government's paper currency. Said stamp to be one percent of the value of the means whereby all government expenditures will cancel out in eight years and four months, leaving no public debt at interest on posterity. This form of tax, i.e., the one percent monthly stamp, can never fall on anyone who has not one hundred times the amount of the tax in his pocket the moment it falls due. It eliminates wangles of assessment and the cost of collection." Under such a set-up, the value of the nation's money would depend on what it was spent on, and as a result there would probably be less of a tendency to invest in atomic weapons, than in something more constructive.

Recently an expert in the field of government finance was asked:
"Why is it necessary for the U.S. to pay interest on money it borrows from itself?" He faltered and said with a smile: "Oh, that's high finance: who knows?"
It would seem that the eight billion dollars a year interest (that was 50 years ago!...ed) that Americans pay on their public debt for the subsidy of the banking business would cause each individual concerned to assure himself of his constitutional privilege by holding every member of congress responsible for the legal and correct issuance of money.
The statement "All men have the right to be born free of debt" recalls Benjamin Franklin's exhortation to congress not to let any bankers in the government. If you do, he said, "your grandchildren will curse you."
And certainly Christ's wrath at those who would make one of these little ones stumble is directed at the immorality of a child inheriting the millstone of debt-slavery.
- - Chester Naramor, of Streator, Illinois, U.S.A.

God give us men

A time like this demands:
Strong minds, great hearts, true faith, and ready hands.
Men whom the lust of office does not kill;
Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy;
Men who possess conviction and a strong will;
Men who have honor; men who will not lie -

Men who can stand before a demagogue and denounce his treacherous flatteries without winking.
Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog in public duty and in private thinking:
For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds,
Their large professions and their little deeds Mingle in selfish strife, - Lo! freedom weeps.
Wrong rules the land and waiting justice sleeps.

God... give us men!

Lord Hailsham Attacks Work Mentality

It is refreshing to report the following realism from Lord Hailsham:

"For I believe that the whole trouble with this country is not that we don't work hard enough, but that we have been working far too hard for far too long . . .
"If we are not careful we shall find ourselves a nation of ants, working overtime to make labour-saving devices for other people . . .
"It is perhaps time that the structure of the Welfare State was examined.

And time, before we start working even harder, that the questions were answered:
"What are we slaving for? For how long must we slave? And "Is it worth it?"
-"Sunday Graphic" (England), October 23, 1955.